Monday, June 05, 2006

"The Road to a Friends house..." Collage by artjunkgrl

is never long!
~Danish Proverb

(click on photo to make larger)
To my dear blog friends and new friends~

The road to a friend's "blog" is CERTAINLY not long! Thanks for all your friendships, visits to my blog, and comments! You always make my day. I love sharing my art and my heart with you.


p.s. done on one of my "junk mail" backgrounds.
image free from one of my fave places, Art-e-Zine.


Joy Eliz said...

I was drawn to this piece, then I read your post...beautiful and touching!
I don't nearly comment enough on your page...but I'm always here and tend to get lost in all the cool links!

Lynnette April Over The Moon said...

Hi Lia, how darling. Love the house, hugs Lynnette April.