Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Take 5 blog minutes and answer these 5 ?'s~

Saw this while visiting Collage Contessa's blog so I thought I'd post my answers here on my blog. I should be going to sleep right now, but it's so darn quiet around here I'm lovin' the time to play on the the blog trail! :)

Five minutes to yourself:
blog of course or make some tea.

Five bucks to spend right now:
more art junk
Five items in your house you could part with, right now, that you hadn't thought of already? black tote suitcases, empty frames, old curtains, old cell phones and cell phone chargers in charger box that we don't use but rifle through when we go in to look for a needed one.

Five items you absolutely, positively could never part with in your house? my people, of course AND my coffeepot, coffee, coffee creamer, coffee grinder and fave coffee mug

Five words you love? love, hugs, sweet, mommy sez.

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