Thursday, January 05, 2006

Back to "Tag" Art Again

Well, my art goal as of late is to try to complete a "Tag a Day", I do this to give me a little goal so that I will get to my art area each day. There is so much to learn and so much I need to break through to so that I can be comfortable creating art. I am a perfectionist to a fault, and I've found through this disciplinary process that I believe I procrastinate because I fear making mistakes and not having it be "perfect". It's like the more I try, the more it doesn't come, the more I just want to give up with all the "I don't have time for this" or "I'm wasting my time and I should be doing something else." But then, something will happen that will renew my resolve and make me keep trying. One day I worked on a collage from our trip to bermuda. I must have worked on it at my desk for an hour while my husband was reading close by. I just hated it. The colors were all wrong, the feel of it, etc. Then I started to clean everything up and put it away and I saw a picture of a woman with a hat in my "ephemera" stash in my drawer. A dear woman from the Altered books yahoo group had sent me. I pulled it out, grabbed a couple of my left over scraps and voila, it turned out to be something that made me happy when I looked at it. That is the charge that keeps me going. I know that I will make lots of mistakes, but I should not give up. I don't know what is going on or why I feel this need to create and express myself through art, but I want to go with it, it's a longing in my soul and a place where my heart comes alive and my senses are renewed and I see the whole world in a different way. LK


Anonymous said...

oh, i just love this tag! is the woman's face on a transparency?

very glad to have you doing aw with us!! :-)

Lia (artjunkgrl) said...

thank you Kat! I used a rubber stamp that I fell in love with at michaels! I often end of placing it on top of things I've collaged. I'm excited to join the artists way blog!