Sunday, June 25, 2006

"try it because...." by artjunkgrl

worked on this little collage last night. Had fun with it. Tried something new. I love putting together collages, it's like doing a puzzle and it is SO relaxing for me. It's definitely my "escape and relax" time!

Items used:
_wallpaper background (from discarded wallpaper books, check your local hardware store. I called once and they were begging me to take them!)
_sewing pattern piece
-vintage image from an vintage sewing magazine
-photo markers (I always use these for the black and white photos to add some light color). If you want to know brand, I will look it up for you.

About the quote: try it because...

try what you say? art, collage, going with the flow, that new dress, a new style, seeing things in more than one way.... you fill in the blank!

Have fun this summer! I'm "trying" to! lol!



thebutterflycollector said...

Hi Art Junk Girl, love your new collage, and I love the new ones on flickr too, but was unable to leave some comments there! I am currently locked out of my account(signed out and forgotton password and email etc... I hope they let me back in soon?, I miss my photos & friends)I love using old wallpaper too and have a collection of rolls from second hand stores. A great idea to look for sample books!Be back to visit again soon and I've added you to my blog links list, come and visit!!!

Anonymous said...

your collages is great, I really like the muted colours in this one. I agreee, try because! just do it! :-)

JULIE ♥ ADORE said...

it so nice, a real ART work

Jessica Moreau Berry said...

Hi Lia...I love this one...very inspiring!

I linked you today, so I can see more of your artiness then just what's at Flickr! LOL


Janet said...

This is just so perfect. The colors. The quote. And the general "feel" of it. I, too, get discontinued wallpaper books. I love them!

Judy Scott said...

Lia its gorgeous, the colours, the composition the whole choice of goodies is amazing. Jx