Friday, August 11, 2006

ART JuNK~ Bloggers who are "DAL's"

DAL (Doin' a Lia)* phrase coined by my blog sista Jude!

Check it out!



What are YOU waiting for????


your crazy DAL sista


Lia (artjunkgrl) said...

maybe we can start a flickr group???? The Art DAL's! lol....recycled paper ART!!!! don't throw it, art it up!! LoL! xxoo Lia

Judy Scott said...

hey babe what a cool idea 'The Art DALS'

Headlines all over the world

"BLOG SISTAS ARE DAL ing it for themselves"
~ then we get a TV programme and we could get Annie Lennox to sing our signature tune! D'you follow. We can have studios all around the world hehehehe and we could start the blog sista school of DAL ing.

ok its very late and my bedtime and Im getting too excited lol, love you loads Jude xxxx