Thursday, June 22, 2006

I need to "consider the season"....

I made this little ATC the other night (before falling asleep on my lap desk). It was a loooong day. I fit in some art at the very end. I've had a few health problems come up...I had a bad sinus infection which spread to my eye! yup, very rare, but just call me the medical mystery. I have a infection in my eye that I did not pay attention to until my vision was impared. With all the stress of graduation, end of year stuff and transferring my mom from rehab, I didn't listen to my body. I did not have any redness or irritation. It was just a gradual but steady cloudiness. At first I thought it was my contacts, so , dummy me, I kept changing them to a new disposable pair. I did this TWICE. Then I just started complaining that my vision must just be getting worse. DUH. Then I wake up one day and boom, I have a large cloud in front of my eye, no depth perception. I then, finally, made a dr. appt. Now, mind you, (and me), if my kids or anyone around me complained about having any ailment what so ever, I would have had them at the dr. in 2 nano-seconds. This led me to the question of


Is it laziness, is it that I'm just too busy and I ignore it, or is it that I don't think it matters enough?

Well, that was my wake up call. Apparently my doc says it will now take a while for this to get better and he is treating it "agressively".

So, why am I whining about all this???? Because I want to say to other women who may ignore signs their body is trying to tell them, (like me), to take care of yourself. After this happened, I took out my "to do" lists and found that only one or two things were on the list that I had to do for myself. I then made a NEW LIST.

It reads, "things I need to do for Lia":

1. make doctor appt. to make sure sinus infection isn't back and go on antibiotic again if necessary

2. get two new shirts and two new shorts so that I will stop wearing my daughters (until I have time to get some new ones).

3. clean out my makeup bag so I don't reinfect my eye.

4. Make a schedule for myself so I am not always so stressed out. Work on things I've been putting off. SO,

If you've gotton this far, I just want to say that I hope you make your list today too. What can you do to take care of yourself better? If you are one of those "got it together" kind of gals, what do you do to make sure you don't neglect yourself?

So, in summary, after working all day on junk around my house because I couldn't drive around town, today, I will take a break, "consider the season" and take my advice and get my girls outside and to the pool. I won't feel guilty. the chores and other things can wait. I want to be well so I can be with those I love, in health and for a long time!!



Anonymous said...

I hope your eye gets better, soon, too. That must have been scary. I don't worry much about the chores but I do spend an inordinate amount of time entertaining the kids and then when I want to go out for a 30-minute bike ride, they're all like, NO, DON'T LEAVE US! Lately I've been sticking to my guns and going anyway, because it's good for ME.

Anonymous said...


Take care of yourself. :)

Jessica Moreau Berry said...

I'm so glad you are making these little lists...just to make sure you are REALLY taking care of yourself!

How nice you fit into your daughter's clothes though!!!!


Janet said...

Lia - sorry, I was gone all day - but it works now!! Yea!

I think lots of women put themselves last. But just think, if you're out of commission who is there to care for your loved ones. It's very important to look after yourself FIRST so you're healthy and able to look after everyone else.