Friday, June 09, 2006

Friday's Finds~Linen's

Friday Finds~Linen's
Originally uploaded by artjunkgrl.

Here are my "Friday Finds". I "found" them at home! I got out my linens stash, (see cabinet photo) as I am currently making my "mudroom" into a "studio". Yes, I have decided on making it my studio! Anyhow, I am doing the "use what you have decorating" thing since I don't want to spend alot and I have some cool things I can use in a creative way. I saw some fabrics framed in one of my "country Living" magazines (my fave) and I have 4 of the large creme (cottagey) frames below that I bought from a second hand for $20 last year. The vintage fabrics are all from a lot I bought on ebay (also last year) and the one with the writing is from my (seamstress) mother's "attic" collection that was at my sisters. I'm painting the room in a mint green so I'm thinking I may frame the striped and written fabric and make a trio (2 striped, 1 with writing on center). We'll see. I'll keep posting pics of my room re-do. I love "finding" things to use in my own home. I've been married for 20 years and although I have dwindled down my "stash" to just things I love, I still have quite a few things I've bought for "someday" when...well, here I am, excited to do this room. I love the group MaryAnn (follow your bliss) started, Fridays Finds- you must check it out!! Viva la vintage and our great finds!

My sewing/craft/photo cabinet--lots of art junk!

1 comment:

Jessica Moreau Berry said...

I will be sure to check out the groupas and I LURVE your Friday Finds!!