Friday, May 12, 2006

Self Portrait Challenge-Introductions

This is a challenge as I don't like talking alot about me and I don't like to show pics of myself often. I'm sure "O" would say that I don't "love myself" but that's not true. Maybe I'm a bit shy, maybe I'm a bit protective, or maybe it's just that there is not alot to tell! If you want to know more more about who I am and what I like, then take a look at my art. I think this should be able to tell what I can't tell you with words. I think that art is a way that I can verbalize what I feel inside, the person I really am deep down. Things I'm "working out" or things that get pushed to the back of my mind when I'm too busy to think straight.
I am also,(pardon the overused expression), like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get! I am just really a mixed bag of stuff. I like alot of things. I like to change stuff around. I guess there are some things about me that stay the same, but I haven't really thought about it and perhaps I will share some in my next may into "installment". I pretty much conform with those around me, but if you look really close, I'm rather different. I don't do the "nail, hair, clothes" thing alot. I always look neat, but I'm often donning a ponytail, jeans and plain top (which I love to wear-comfort is key). I like simple things (materially speaking). I like older stuff because they are to the point and uncomplicated. It doesn't take alot to make me happy. I'm probably a bit on the naive side. I can be ditzy too. I don't keep score. I love a good cup of coffee in the morning a good cup of herbal tea in the afternoon. I don't make fancy meals. I like the basics. So does my family. When I find something I like, I stick with it. I guess I'm a bit of a "cleanie" but a bit of a "messy" at the same time. I love order. I thrive on order, but my many interests sometimes take over space and then I have to pair things back and corral my stuff. I am obsessed with magazines. Mostly home decor, some art, some beauty (in style) is my fave. An occassional peek at People mag. during vacations. Ok, that is enough for now, hope I have not bored you I go. Have a great day all!!!!!! -Lia

p.s. the pic above is from my Mixed Media Memoirs journal page. I'm combining some of my challenges!

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