Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Artwords Theme this week: "Indulge"

I've just joined a new weekly challenge for art journalling (which I love) and it's called, Artwords: the online journal. This week's theme is on indulgence. I had to think about it for a few days as there is really SO much I can write about it...ahem....hand over the chocolate or else here....anyway, I have a war within and a war without about the whole indulgence thing. I wish I had balance in this area. There are things I'd rather not indulge in as well as things I have been thinking of lately that I'd like to indulge in MORE. So, this is what came out in my art journal today. A good reminder for me to look back on and remember what is most important to me. :) LK


Lia (artjunkgrl) said...

yes! I can't get through a day without chocolate. It's part of my chemical constitution! :) Lia

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love your entry and thanks for linking to such an awesome site! So many wonderful artists there! I hope my own life...does what? Settles down? Resumes it pre-accident pace?--so that I can do some art myself sometime soon!