Sunday, May 28, 2006

"uh-oh"..Don't miss this heartwarming blog link.....

Dear Friends and Visitors:

Today I woke up feeling like I got beat up from head to toe last nite. Well, that did not happen. YOu see, I suffer from both arthritis and bouts of chronic fatigue. I never know when it's going to hit. sometimes it's the barometric pressure, sometimes it's from being run down and on the go, sometimes it's from stress about a situation that manifests in my body. I'm currently quite sad about a personal situation in my family so that doesn't help it. My husband is out of town and returns today. I sit here this morning, with my coffee, checking on email, making my list, and trying to pin down which things to tend to for my daughters upcoming grad. events. As always, I thought I'd go check my "flickr" account "real quick" (I'm a bit addicted to flickr lately) before getting on with the day. I saw a picture of Nancy's "uh oh" doll, with a reference to read about it on her blog. I had to go see what Nancy said about this little hand made "uh oh" doll (I know nancy for often having funny names for things, but also for her positive attitude). Well, Nancy's Post left me in puddles. Again, she had another great message to share. I was shocked to see that she suffers from chronic pain. You would never know with her attitude! Her positive attitude helped me so much in the past, so I wanted to share this cute story of her's with you. So if you don't have a lot of time today, or if you are feeling kind of "uh 0h" about anything, go read the story of Nancy's Uh Oh doll, I'm sure it will put a smile to your face, it did mine. I'm ready to seize the day. pain and all. thank you, Nancy!!!!!!!! Love,Lia

Thursday, May 25, 2006

"land of dreams" by artjunkgrl

"land of dreams" by artjunkgrl, originally uploaded by artjunkgrl.

from a background I painted this weekend.

Today is my wedding anniversary and it coincides with my oldest daughters last day of High school.

"welcome to the real world"....John Mayer.

I am sad and happy too.

I've thrown myself into a good clean up of my home.

prom is tomorrow.

want to make the house look pretty for the joy that lies in the days ahead.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

"just imagine.." by artjunkgrl

"just imagine.." by artjunkgrl, originally uploaded by artjunkgrl.

more collage on painted paper...this is fun! I love the freestyle thing! :)Lia

journaljunk entry: Art Brain Overload!

Art Brain... I love art and feel blessed to see life in a creative way, but the bad part of it is that I often lack focus. There are SO many fun things to learn through art sites, memes, etc., not to mention great inspiration on flickr, but sometimes my brain goes on overload! I need to slow down and focus a bit. It's hard to do b/c it all looks so fun! Do you ever feel like this? If so, how do you focus your artwork?
I also want to say thankyou to those artists who responded before on how they approach their artwork: plan vs. no plan. It was SO helpful and VERY interesting to read/hear your responses. I also gathered that it is a common thing for artists to keep an "idea"/inspiration book. I will start to do so, I think this will really help! thank you SO much! --Lia

Monday, May 22, 2006

This is your mind on art....any questions?

The fruits of my random floor painting spree!here's what I made this weekend during our home, "painting fest". I love doing this a few times a month! My daughter JJ made a few beautiful pieces as well, check my flickr pics by clicking on photo above so you can see all my notes...I highly recommend just letting go and getting free with art, this is all the fun to me! :) Lia

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Inspire Me Thursday~Abstract Art Challenge

I spent some time this weekend getting out the paints and randomly painting some backgrounds for collaging as well as making a few abstract pieces for the current Inspire Me Thursday challenge: Abstract Art. I was so excited to see this as this week's topic because it's the type of art I like to look at and dabble in most! I think it's because it often includes LOTs of color and it's just really the way my brain sees things. As a child I was very drawn to Picasso paintings when learning about him at school. This type of art comes most easiest to me. The Inspire Me Thursday site has some awesome links on abstract art. I learned so much. One of the things I've learned since participating in these meme's is my art style. I feel this is so important because it shows me where I need to grow. One of the things that currently bothers me is that I normally don't have a plan. I sounded very similar to the beginner person described in the "how to paint abstract art" on the IMT link. I often don't sketch first. I'm often quite random. I have gotten better about walking away and not finishing the piece, but I do often lack a plan. I don't paint often, and when I do, I just go with the flow. That is probably why I love abstract art so much...anything goes and that is right up my alley!! One of my goals, however, in growing as an artist would be to have a somewhat of a plan or theme before I start. I really think this would help me get out what I want to when I'm making a piece. Anyway, the above little "abstract painting", painted on the back of a piece of a magazine advertisment (lol) is one that I painted, then outlined. I also painted lots of backgrounds to collage on, which hopefully I will get to this week! I would love to hear how others create and if they have a plan or not. (aside from the original idea). Also, if you do one type of art, do you get bored with it? Drop me an email or comment and let me know. I really want to learn and learning from other artists helps me most! Hope to 'catch' you this week on the blog! :) :) Lia

Friday, May 19, 2006

Try it Tuesdays, finished piece for my BOD

Book of Dreams~I finally got around to some coveted time with my Book of Dreams! I worked on the transparency I had decided on: a personal wedding photo printed on fabric paper. Well, I put in in the collage and worked with it over and over and it just didn't look right to me. I didn't like it at all! So, off it went and I went to plan "B" and put these cute little girls in and painted over the ripped out piece, then stamped the word "Dream" on that part. Now I'm happy with it. I just have a hard time trying to make something work. I have really learned what type of art person I am from working on these memes! I am totally random. I like to just throw a bunch of stuff together until I'm happy with it. I get lost in the process of it all. I love LOTs of color. I have also learned that I have a hard time putting my own personal pics in my collages. I don't know why. I love when I see artists using photos of their kids and wish I could do the same. Maybe I have trouble with it because I am experimenting alot and I rip stuff out, or perhaps because I want to be detached from the pieces I'm creating with and get lost in "making up a story" of it's own. I just love old photos, especially "rescuing" them as ArtsyMama mentioned in her tutorial in week 3. Anyway, I am going on and on and I need to go to bed! I have another big day ahead tomorrow in mommy-land. Things are going to be really crazy for a few weeks til my daughter graduates. I can't wait til summer! It will be awesome to have a break from our crazy schedules and do lots and lots of ART! Last summer, my younger daughters and I worked on altered books. They still have them tucked away and I'm bringing them out again! Well, have a great weekend everyone, and I hope to be posting some more stuff soon. I'm trying to get back into the "groove" again! :) Lia
p.s. for more info on making your own "Book of Dreams", visit ArtsyMama's Blog.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

For Andrea E.~"Give them wings...."

Collage by artjunkgrl I was inspired to make this today after reading andrea e.'s blog. I'm going through a similar experience in mommy "growing pains". ~Lia

Friday, May 12, 2006

Self Portrait Challenge-Introductions

This is a challenge as I don't like talking alot about me and I don't like to show pics of myself often. I'm sure "O" would say that I don't "love myself" but that's not true. Maybe I'm a bit shy, maybe I'm a bit protective, or maybe it's just that there is not alot to tell! If you want to know more more about who I am and what I like, then take a look at my art. I think this should be able to tell what I can't tell you with words. I think that art is a way that I can verbalize what I feel inside, the person I really am deep down. Things I'm "working out" or things that get pushed to the back of my mind when I'm too busy to think straight.
I am also,(pardon the overused expression), like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get! I am just really a mixed bag of stuff. I like alot of things. I like to change stuff around. I guess there are some things about me that stay the same, but I haven't really thought about it and perhaps I will share some in my next may into "installment". I pretty much conform with those around me, but if you look really close, I'm rather different. I don't do the "nail, hair, clothes" thing alot. I always look neat, but I'm often donning a ponytail, jeans and plain top (which I love to wear-comfort is key). I like simple things (materially speaking). I like older stuff because they are to the point and uncomplicated. It doesn't take alot to make me happy. I'm probably a bit on the naive side. I can be ditzy too. I don't keep score. I love a good cup of coffee in the morning a good cup of herbal tea in the afternoon. I don't make fancy meals. I like the basics. So does my family. When I find something I like, I stick with it. I guess I'm a bit of a "cleanie" but a bit of a "messy" at the same time. I love order. I thrive on order, but my many interests sometimes take over space and then I have to pair things back and corral my stuff. I am obsessed with magazines. Mostly home decor, some art, some beauty (in style) is my fave. An occassional peek at People mag. during vacations. Ok, that is enough for now, hope I have not bored you I go. Have a great day all!!!!!! -Lia

p.s. the pic above is from my Mixed Media Memoirs journal page. I'm combining some of my challenges!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Book of Dreams~Week 2 {layers}

Book of Dreams~week 2~layers I was not crazy about how this turned out, but I learned alot. This past week we worked on layering in our book of dreams with the help of our leader extraordinare,ArtsyMama.
I am not very patient when it comes to this (I learned), I wanna just slap that image down before putting anything under it and building up to the top image. I also tried a new coppery color paint I bought b/c I liked the look, but I don't know, kind of dark for me...I'm trying to get away from doing everything green! but I have to have some green in it. Not sure if this will stay in my book, but I am going to try again and work on this technique.

p.s. ArtsyMama posts a new technique each Wednesday. Today she has posted for Week 3. For more info on starting your book of dreams, visit her blog! See y'all later! Lia

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Artwords Theme this week: "Indulge"

I've just joined a new weekly challenge for art journalling (which I love) and it's called, Artwords: the online journal. This week's theme is on indulgence. I had to think about it for a few days as there is really SO much I can write about it...ahem....hand over the chocolate or else here....anyway, I have a war within and a war without about the whole indulgence thing. I wish I had balance in this area. There are things I'd rather not indulge in as well as things I have been thinking of lately that I'd like to indulge in MORE. So, this is what came out in my art journal today. A good reminder for me to look back on and remember what is most important to me. :) LK

Long Time, No Blog...

From the Desk of ArtJunk~It seems like FOREVER since I've blogged!!! I guess it's only been a week? I dunno, have to check. Blogging has become a sort of routine thing for me. It kind of has a life of it's own. A place I go to share my artwork, meet awesome people with like interests, and stay inspired. But, I found I needed a break from it this past week. Just some time to think "out of the blog" so to speak. I did not do something artful every day, which is not the usual for me as I love to at least keep my art journal daily, but again, it just wasn't happening. My brain was on overload with all else that has been going on in my home and I just felt the need to regroup. There is just so much out there to do and I find it hard to focus and chose what I want to do while maintaining my usual routine with my kids. I noticed that it had been a while since I had just relaxed and cleared my mind of everything, even art. So I took my break and started re-evaluating the time I spend blogging. Then I got some awesome emails from other bloggers and flickr contact that got me excited about coming back. I'm still amazed at how the internet can connect so many kindred spirits. All my life I thought I was different. People would tell me I was "so creative" but my mother often told me I didn't have time to be making costumes and quilting and all the other stuff I liked trying to do. I thought I had too many interests and was not "focussed" and "normal" like my friends who did everything "by the book". Then I started blogging and saw that there are so many creative, artist individuals who also share love of vintage things, reading, photography and all the other things I like. I can't tell you all how comforted this makes me feel. I feel so happy when I am doing my art and sharing it with others. However, I've also found that I cannot just "make something" on demand either. I have to be in the right state of mind. I am not a trained artist. I just make things from my heart, from the feelings/likes/emotions/experiences that I have inside me. This has been tremendously healing for me. I don't think I can ever go back to not having art be a large part of my life.
Well, sorry to go on if you have gotten this far, but I wanted to share what I felt and what I've been thinking about this past week. I will be posting some of my art soon for the groups I participate in. Hope everyone is having a great week!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

my little canvas junk~Lady Bug Creature Comfort

For Bellah. :)

just when I thought I put the little canvases away for paper fun, this little one crawled out. tee hee...:)LK

journal junk about junk I gotta do.....

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Self-Portrait Challenge~week 1

I've been married to an awesome guy for almost 21 years. we got married young, so people can't believe we have 4 kids. they say, "you don't look like you have 4 kids", I say, "what am I supposed to look like? an ape?" People used to gaulk when they saw me bopping around town with 4 kids in tow. When the forth came along, it was a bit more difficult. I decided to buy one those huggy things you hang from your neck with the baby in front. That way I could leave the stroller in the car and make it easier. I thought it was the most awesome invention since they didn't have these when my older kids were born. Well, my bubble was burst when this older stern woman walked up to me with a crooked finger and told me I was suffocating my child "in that thing". Ha! Nothing against older people, I'm just still traumatized by the gaul that woman had. I never got over why people had to have more opinions of you because you had 4 kids. are you an alien from outer space? my mother, who is from a small mountainside on a greek island would say with each pregnancy announcement, "even in the village, we used prophylactics" (think big fat greek wedding, yes, they say stuff like this). Much too her chagrin, my sis also had four kids (we call each other "MOF's" for mothers of four. So anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, I am married to an awesome guy who I affectionately call, "Bruno". He is the "computer geek" kind of guy, although he got lasiks, old pictures of him don glasses that cover his whole face. He is the straightforward, "ron howard" kind of apple pie guy.(some of you may be too old to know who ron howard is...), anyway, he was in the navy, he sees things in black and white and makes spreadsheets in his head. when you ask him a emotional question he needs time to process. we joke that his brain takes messages, "in the order that they are received", a few days later he will spill out the answer out of nowhere, "no, your butt doesn't look big in that dress."..."ok, honey, that was so two days ago..." Oh yeah, this is supposed to be about me, right.
Ahhhemmm, well the point I was getting to is that I am the opposite of my linear husband. I am way spontaneous, ecclectic, and have made him move furniture more times than he would care to admit. he always looks at me with his eyes half shut and breathe's, "this is the last time I am moving this...". But he never ceases to humor me and do it. But, I think that is why our relationship works. He keeps me grounded when I am all over the place trying to do a hundred things at once.... "focus, Lia, focus" he will say, but I keep him seeing things in more than one way. He has become more spontaneous himself over the years. I think I may have convinced him that life is not all about strategy, that you have to take chances, go with your heart and step out of the box. He tells me he loves me because of my eyes and my heart. I love him because he is a great man and father and my rock to lean on no matter what. I had a hard childhood. I swear it's been his mission to make that up to me. He protects me like a bodyguard, and loves me like there is no tomorrow. Now, about the kids. I have two older teenagers and 2 younger kids (elementary school age). Now that all 4 are in school, I've gotten to do some things I like, mainly art and photograpy (I did art as a child and put it on the back burner because I "didn't have time"), I don't know why I waited so long. If I had to do it again, I would have fit it in anyway. I was always trying to perfectly organize my home (ok, I admit I can be a bit compulsive, even though I'm pretty laid back). I figured out one day that laundry, chores and junk like that will never end, but precious moments are to be relished. Each day has them, sometimes you just have to pay attention because they are hidden. esp. when your brain tells you otherwise. this wisdom has come to me since turning 40. And speaking of the big 4-0. I've come to some serious conclusions since turning 40. Life is what you make of it. Family and friends are to be treasured and nutured. Freedom from "what others may think" was lifes gift to me (along with an extra 5 lbs. when I swear my metabolism came to a screaching halt on the eve of my 40th bday)I think I may have actually heard it. Another thing I learned is that negative people zap you of all your energy. I try to spend time with people who make me laugh and help me be a better person. You can't change negative people, but they can change you. Life is too short to worry about petty junk. And speaking of junk, I like vintagey finds, old junk, stuff that has meaning and is also usable. I love vintage photos, family history, old victorian houses and going to the beach. I love movies, brownies and mcdonalds choc. sundae. I can have that for dinner. Most of all, I love my families hugs, kisses, lively conversation, jokes and hanging out together. I love making my house comfy so that others feel welcome and warm. I believe in being kind, looking people in the eye and finding the best in everyone. WEll, that's about it for now. Off I go, I think Bruno is calling me to get off the computer! :)~Lia (aka artjunkgrl).

Monday, May 01, 2006

my first "art squared" piece. I think I'm becoming obsessed!

My first I've been so intrigued with these little collage pieces I've seen online. I've searched the internet to learn more, more, more. but there is nothing, other than you make it 4" x 4". I love this size to work on. bigger than an atc and it's like a mini work you can frame. I think I'm a little obsessed again! I will post in my dream book tomorrow. I was out this afternoon and evening and was bouncing around ideas on what's next. I came home and did this little collage. I had started before I left today. I am trying some new things. more soon, Lia

journaljunk: "I love..."

journaljunk: "I love...", originally uploaded by artjunkgrl.

from my art journal..I haven't done one of these word one's in a while. fun and relaxing to do while watching tv and hanging with bruno (while he falls It was a great weekend though, so we were beat but it was a good tired. :)

p.s. I hope to do a page in my dream book later today. gotta get to some house junk first...the weekend tornado!