Tuesday, January 31, 2006

What do you do with all those tags???

Answer to Melba's question...

melba said....

....... I am loving all your tags. You might have written somewhere and I missed it-what do you do with all those tags?

6:00 AM

Answer from ArtJunk: I made a "Paper Bag" Tag Album to "contain" my tags. The album is on "my shelf" which I shared in a previous post. It's kind of overflowing now, so I also put them in a small plastic photo album from Michaels. Thanks for asking, Melba. I kind of chuckled when I read that! It's kinda hard to contain all my "art junk" sometimes!!!!!~Lia

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Tag A Day...(or so...)~"If I had wings...."

I'm back. I would tell you all that has been going on to prevent me from creating and writing this week but you don't have that kind of time! Anyway, I'm on my way out the door again and made this tag today and wanted to share it. I started out making something else completely and then started this one. My sweet Daddy used to sing this when I was a little girl. He passed away several years ago but his voice and his memory still lingers in my heart each day. My sis and I used to laugh when he would break out in song while we were in the kitchen, "If I had wings, like a beautiful Dooooooooooove, I'd fly back to the ONE I Loooovvve!". I love you Dad.LK Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Mixed Media Memoirs~The Past that Linger's

I worked on this week's Mixed Media Memories Challenge at my desk last night. I used things from my past that are lingering around in my "stuff". This challenge gave me alot to think about as I contemplated both the lingering memories from my past as well as the reminders that are tucked away in my desk drawers, etc.
To see the completed collage and find out more about the site, go to MixedMediaMemoirs

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Self Portrait Tues.-Personal History

I picked a picture from my husbands childhood to share this week. Check out the little boy in the red shoes! Boy, I've seen that look in my kids face after they wake from a nap (which is probably what he had just done). He also got a kick out of seeing this again. We also like the picture because his father (far right) had one of his "coach" looks. He was most known for his coaching so that is what we called him, "THE COACH". He passed away almost 3 years ago of cancer at an early age. We really miss having the Coach around. He had the funniest sayings like, "Well, his chances are slim, and slim just got on the bus." or "De-nial is more than a river in Egypt". Anyhow, you had to be there for the delivery, I guess. My Mother in law (center) was such a BEATIFUL WOMAN! Gary is being held by his Grammy B. She is still alive and well at 90 plus. I love the CAR! I love how it's parked on the lawn with the door open. It's as if they were getting ready to go and Grandpa said, let's get a shot of you all before you leave. Gary says that to the far right (off the picture) there was always a chicken coop that he and his 2 brothers (which came later on) played in when they were young. This home had been in his family for hundreds of years. He grew up in New England. It's so beautiful there. We've been at this house for many family gatherings in the summertime. Those were the days. Now that the kids are older we do not treck up there as often as we would like, but we savor the memories and the stories of Grandpa saying, "kids, be quiet up there" when we visited. Well, that's all for now! Look forward to looking through everyone's photo's this week. :) LK

Monday, January 23, 2006

Tag a Day-"Chapter 2"(the second in 'school' series)~Fantasyland

One Chapter deserves another! Since I started with "Chapter One" on a tag several days ago, I decided to make another to add to it. I was quite the "daydreamer" in school. I guess not much has changed since then! lol.
But seriously, ART is my fantasyland and I never know what will happen or where I will "travel" when I begin. That is what keeps me coming back. The thought of at least some 'temporary'quiet and solitude. A world where I can erase mistakes and change the view, where I can pick the colors, mood, words, subject, and then change it all back again. A world where I can speak and not be silenced. A world that demands nothing from me except an open mind and heart. This is my little world of art. It has become my sanity, my healer and my strength and for that I am grateful. ~Lia

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Blogging the Artist's Way Tag:"Rules of the Road"

I was so inspired by the "Rules of the Road" in the AW that I made a tag to have at my desk to remind me to just "show up"!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Mixed Media Memoirs

It's so much fun to find inspirations to keep me creating weekly, if not daily! I am loving these challenges! The Blogging the Artists Way circle has led me to many creative artists and their blogs. Today I joined Melba's new Mixed Media Memoirs . Her challenge this week is "This is Me". You are to take a journal page and add some art. I submitted the cover of my first altered book/art journal. This is the first thing I thought of and wanted to send it along. I look forward to next weeks challenge. Here is another page from my art journal that lists the things usually on my mind and other random things I wrote that day. LK

Blogging the Artist's Way~What Inspires Me?

Things that Inspire Me Post~
Sorry to not post it last week....but here goes....This is a bookshelf in my little "corner of the world" in our Family Room. It's kind of my little area where I put things that I love and things that inspire me daily. It makes me feel happy to look at this shelf every day. I wanted to share that as an example of what I am inspired by, mainly because it "houses" many of those things or ideas! Luckily, I've carved out this area of the house all to myself and no one can put anything there except me! yeah! My hubby likes my little wall display (which keeps growing), so...where was I, here's the "list":

1. The Beach and pictures of the Beach! (there are several things on my shelf and on the wall) that remind me of the beach. A photo of my daughter picking up her beach bucket on the sand, a little Vintage beach photo book, the ya-ya sisterhood book that I love with them doing a pyramid in their vintage bathing suits, The gifts from the Sea book by Anne Morrow Lindbergh (a great beach read), seashells in a jar that my kids have collected over the years.

2. The Pumpkin Patch-I've taken the kids almost every year since they were 3 and some of them 3 months old! The pictures on top of the shelf are of 2 of my daughters in the hay ride truck. I also have pictures of them in the same places through the year. This year we picked our own pumpkins and apples and even my older teenagers wanted to go. It was so cute b/c they were acting like they were "too old" when I announced one morning that we were going and it was the "only day" we could. They were thinking (lazy day at home in our sweats...). Well, I told them, "it's ok, the girls and I are going and I'm not forcing you to go." WEll, low and behold, as the girls and I were set to go in the car, ready to pull out of the driveway, they came bumbling out, running to the car with their sweatshirt hoods on and jumping in like 2 year olds saying they "changed there mind" and wanted to tag along! It was a great moment! I knew that our PP ritual stirred up nostalgia in their heart and that they had good memories, so that was a good parent moment! So, seeing those pictures inspires me b/c of the experiences and b/c of the beauty of the farm.

3. My FAith-At some point, I started collecting wall crosses. Now my friends get them for me everywhere they go! I have my first one up on the wall. It symbolizes my faith and hope in God. My faith greatly inspires me.

4. LOTS of LIGHT! Lots of light inspires me! That is I painted this main living area of ours "champagne" or creme. I love having lots of light pouring in the house and reflecting from the walls. That gives me energy and inspiration alone.

5. Jars. I love jars. They contain things. The jar on the top shelf corrals all the little bits and pieces I find all around the house: erasers, fake teeth from halloween, nailclippers, and all kinds of JUNK! I love the look of Jars, their shape, and that they are see thru. I also love that they can contain some ORDER in the Chaos which leads me to another inspiration of mine: Order in my home. When things are orderly, my mind is more free to create and think clearly. That is why I use lots of containers, jars, etc. to corral stuff that get's "left behind" and I can have a central place to "point" when someone says, "where is my..."?

6. WWII history, there is a book there on the bottom shelf on it, I also love vintage photos of soldiers, nurses, and generals. My Dad was a WWII vet. He was the most patriotic man I ever knew. He was awesome. Oh, and speaking of America, I also am inspired by:

7. The American Flag. I love everything flag. I love red/white blue stars. I am trying to do my whole "mudroom" right now in the patriot theme. The flag inspires me SO much because of what it symbolizes. It reminds me that people have died for it, that people are dying every day for our freedom. I have so much respect for the people who serve in the military. There strength and courage is such a huge inspiration to me! I think of them and pray for our soldiers daily.

8. Quotes. Quotes inspire me. I can read one quote and it can change my day. I have a quote plaque from a friend on the wall there. It reads, "It is not the breaths that we take, but the moments that take our breath away." I have many others throughout the house. They inspire me daily.

9. Anything LONDON or Paris. I wish to go there one day. My husband promises he will take me and has already bought me a "journal" for our trip (although I don't know when it will be!)

10. My TAg album: It's an album I made for my tags, it's on that shelf.

11. The color green, especially vintage green. I just love it, it's so soothing and inspiring to me, don't ask why, I don't know!

12. My books: many of my favorites on the bottom shelf. Just looking at them inspires me! Books on Marilyn Monroe, Travel books, particularly Greece, and my fave novels.

13. Candles. I have candle a green candle (in my fave color!) on the top shelf.

14. Other Artists and Bloggers. I am SO inspired seeing what other artists are doing and love to browse in the evening and look at their work. It inspires me when I see artists that just go for it and make beautiful things from their heart and soul. The vast collection of "knitting blogs" also inspire me! I don't knit, but women who do inspire me because they are so passionate about it and they always sound so interesting. It makes me want to start knitting!!!!

WEll, that's the short version....LOL. Got to go pick up my son at school now. So nice to go down inspiration Lane though! "Blog" to you later!!!!!!!~Lia

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Travelling to Tag Land Again! -"Paris"

Self Portrait TUES. Personal History---"My Mother, Myself"

How could I possibly do a PH Month without including my MOTHER?

Ironically, the picture of me on the left is from a unpublished SPT from last month. The picture of my Mom on the right is in Greece in the early 1950's.

My favorite thing (other than her graceful smile) is her SHADES!!! That was something considering she grew up in the Greek mountainside along side 5 brothers and 2 sisters. She had some style going on there in the "old country"! She was so determined at a young age. She taught herself to sew and became a seamstress. Even though she is in her late 70's now, I still see her like this: young, invincible, and determined. I take her for granted at times, she exasperates me, but she will always be my MOTHER and for that I am grateful. LK

Monday, January 16, 2006

Blogging the Artists Way---My Imaginary Life

I can honestly say that the only imaginary life I've wished for is one in which I could eat ANYTHING I want WITHOUT gaining any weight. Other than that, my cup runneth over! (and my plate...but I have to put some back....). LK

Blogging the Artists Way

I've posted an entry over on my Journal Blog (click on link to the right) or go to JournalJunk

I am a little behind on my posts, but I am progressing in the book. I will browse through fellow BAW posts soon! I love how Cheryl has organizeds her posts for Artist's Way. I'd like to do something similar as it is easy to go through her topics and writings. You really have inspired me, Cheryl. I also have trouble with the link posting so I will try to help, but am still figuring it out myself as sometimes I get the photo badge but don't know how to link the site to the photo so that when you click on it, you are there.
Anyhow, look forward to "talking" with my fellow AW bloggers! My post is rather long and personal...but this is where I am at right now! More to follow, LK

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Back to Tag- "Raise Your Hand"

I've had a lot going on. my 77 yo mom is in hosp with broken leg from accident. I needed my art therapy last nite! my hubby took me to michaels after we were at hosp. to get more tags!! I also "accidently" found a tag "template" when I was looking for something else. Alot of coincidental things have been happening. I will write more later. I'm still doing my Artist way entries and have lots to post on this soon. It's helped me to keep things in perspective and see things in a different (more positve) way. More later, I wish everyone and ARTfull day!....LK

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I'm being swallowed by my To Do List!

To my fellow creative ones....
no further explanation required....LK

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Self Portrait Tuesday (nite!) Personal History. MOM


I was astonished at how similar my mothers pose was here. In the first picture I am the birthday girl and she is holding my sister. In the second, my daughter is the birthday girl (also with a white ribbon in her hair!) and my mother is holding my sister's son in her arms. Cutting the cake was always the big event! LK Posted by Picasa

Tag a Day- "play, sing & dance."

Monday, January 09, 2006

Blogging the Artists Way

I've posted on my Journal Page (Journal Junk). I still haven't figured out how to post the AW Blog group icon on my blogger sidebar. Help anyone. Have a great day! So glad to be part of this group! Lia
My AW post can be found at my Journal Link on the sidebar.I'm still working learning how to insert these links and sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't and I don't have time right now to play with it! Anyhow, I'll have it in proper format soon. Got to go get "junk" done and I'll be back soon! LK

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Tag a Day! London....(in my dreams).

LONDON-have always wanted to go. Hope to one day. I'll just fly over on my magic carpet....ha ha....in the meantime I'm "resting on my laurels".....I have a cold in the worse way! I usually don't get colds like this and this is throwing me for a loop, but there is no rest for the weary. This is my newest Tag. I got the idea when I woke up. I used a vintage ad clip again that I had saved and attached it to a piece of "London" notepaper I got at the "Tar-jey" new $1 bins. I always check out what they've got there. They have all sorts of wonderful "junk" that I pick up for my collage or goodie bag stuff for the kids, etc. They usually have a "theme". This month it's London/Paris/NY. They had plates, memo pads (which I'm a sucker for), card, candles, etc. Anyhow, where was I? Oh yeah, I also used a ribbon from my secret "stash". I love my ribbons b/c many of them are from my Mom's sewing things. she is a self-taught seamstress by trade. she started sewing at age 11. She worked at home sewing when I was young. That is why I believe that I have an affinity for fabric scraps, buttons, ribbons, etc. ---they take me back to the comforts of home. there are also endless patterns, colors, textures, etc. I would see how my mom would take these things and make marvelous, beautiful things, out of them. she never ceased to amaze me, and still does. Anyhow, my mother is the QUEEN of saving every scrap of "do you know how expensive this was?"fabric, ribbon, etc. So, when we go to "grandma's house", my daughters and I go "shopping" through all of her stash. We get a little bag and take whatever we are looking for that day. She loves that we are using things she has saved and I love using things that I feel are part of her. LK Posted by Picasa

Saturday, January 07, 2006

TAG a Day- "wish"

Here's another from my "Tag a Day" goal entitled, "wish". I usually do this at night when the kids go to bed. It helps me relax. It's become a routine. I am a travelling willbury when it comes to my "artistic space". All my supplies are in totable containers and I have a lap desk. I have to be comfy when I am creating!
Materials used: ribbon, button, printed ephemera from michaels "collage sheet" package, vintage magazine ad picture of woman (I pick up vintage mags. at used book store closeby, the owner usually discounts them for me if I buy a couple!)
Have a great day now! LK

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Back to "Tag" Art Again

Well, my art goal as of late is to try to complete a "Tag a Day", I do this to give me a little goal so that I will get to my art area each day. There is so much to learn and so much I need to break through to so that I can be comfortable creating art. I am a perfectionist to a fault, and I've found through this disciplinary process that I believe I procrastinate because I fear making mistakes and not having it be "perfect". It's like the more I try, the more it doesn't come, the more I just want to give up with all the "I don't have time for this" or "I'm wasting my time and I should be doing something else." But then, something will happen that will renew my resolve and make me keep trying. One day I worked on a collage from our trip to bermuda. I must have worked on it at my desk for an hour while my husband was reading close by. I just hated it. The colors were all wrong, the feel of it, etc. Then I started to clean everything up and put it away and I saw a picture of a woman with a hat in my "ephemera" stash in my drawer. A dear woman from the Altered books yahoo group had sent me. I pulled it out, grabbed a couple of my left over scraps and voila, it turned out to be something that made me happy when I looked at it. That is the charge that keeps me going. I know that I will make lots of mistakes, but I should not give up. I don't know what is going on or why I feel this need to create and express myself through art, but I want to go with it, it's a longing in my soul and a place where my heart comes alive and my senses are renewed and I see the whole world in a different way. LK

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Self PORTRAIT Tues.Personal History.Art Version.

I decided to doodle on a copy of the previous post's photo collage. I put in some reference info for my own amusement....anyhow, next week I plan on doing a similar personal view of my husband as I spanning over our past 20 years of marriage. Again, it will surely show that we have stuck together through Thick and Thin! L.K. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 01, 2006

A Different Kind of Tag Today!

Artsymama, http://artsymama.blogspot.com tagged me today to post 5 wierd things about me on my blog. I must say I was hard pressed as I am not in touch with my inner weirdness! I have become accustomed to it and don't think of it as such, so I solicited the help of my sweet but reluctant husband. He, ofcourse, gave me one of his "is this a trick question" looks or "is this a does my butt look big in this dress?" kind of question? After I assured him that it was for a blog game of tag, he felt safe enough to give me the low down on some weird things about me. Once he got started, I was quickly able to join him and pass the 5 example requirement! However, I will post the top 5 wierd things about me.
1. I'm a serial hair dyer. I've done this since I was old enough to read the side of a sun-in bottle. When I ended up with a shiny red spot on the top of my head, I moved to safer measures such as lemon juice in the sun. Needless to say, that didn't work and my obsession carried on into adulthood where advances in haircolor have helped me have anywhere from blond to dark brown hair. It's also helped me find a color I really like, until of course, I CHANGE it! I'm thinking about red this year, although my husband has told me he doesn't mind what I do as long as it's not Red. He and I will have to have a talk about this as I've had red on the mind lately!

2. I'm OCD about bringing in the trashcans as soon as the trash is picked up (my hubby contributes here).

3. I ALWAYs order the same thing at restaurants. I have a favorite from each place and I rarely change it.

4. I hate answering and talking on the phone. I will talk on my cell phone, but I often misplace it! Phones just annoy me!

5. My husband pointed out that I have my own nicknames for everyone. He's "Bruno" my mom is, "the Factor" and/ or "Helga".

Well, that's all for now. Had fun doing this! LK

Happy New Year!!!

Ria and I at New Years Party with friends. Wishing everyone a blessed an joyous New Year filled with love, generosity and hope! LK Posted by Picasa
"Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit."

Conrad Hilton