Monday, November 28, 2005

Here is one of my vintage christmas ATC (artist trading card). I'm participating in my first swap. I learned alot in the process. A big part of it is getting my hands on the types of things I want on my cards. I love vintage 1950's. Especially baking, homemakers, kitchens, etc.

Dear Santa....
All I want for Christmas is lots of more time and patience! LK Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Here's my latest collage for my class. It's not complete yet. I'm still learning! So much to learn, so little time! I guess I have the time, but it's hard to put aside for my art. This is my "harmony" collage. I really love doing the decoupage part of it all. Once I get a brush in my hand, I'm off to never never land!

"Hat's for Sale" ACK.